sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019


Hi, my dear friends, today with my partners deciding to talk about the food, for example the food in general or the food that don’t like it. In my case I talk about to my favorite food. Well, one year ago my favorite food was the “guatitas” I know, for much people are very disgusting, but my dad and my mom, was prepare this very delicious. They was preparing guatitas with sauce, rise and fries, but now I’m vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, therefore I don’t eat guatitas. 

Resultado de imagen para guatitas a la jardinera

Nowadays, my favorite food are the “porotos con masamorra” or “porotos” in whatever of the forms, I think these are very delicious.  

Resultado de imagen para porotos con mazamorra

On the other hand, I think that I don’t have a dislike food, I like to taste all types of food and knowing new flavors (obviously I don’t eat meat, but I eat all the rest), but I think have a one flavor that I hate so much, with my soul, the vinegar (ugh!!!), I think that is cause the flavor and smell of vinegar is very strong, so this impregnate my throat and nose, that is very disgusting , I can’t with that, but is the only liquid that dislike me. The truth is I’m love the food.

Resultado de imagen para vinagre

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Margarita with a straw

Hi everyone!!!! Today I am talking about my favorite movie.  I really like watch movies, I like all types of movies, but the terror movies, controversial movies and comedy movies are the more I see, so is difficult to me choose one, but I think that my favorite movie is “Margarita with a straw”. I think that all people should see this movie, because sign the reality of many people that for the society are invisible.
The story begins with showing the life of Laila, a young woman with cerebral palsy and very talented and intelligent student. Laila life in India, but travel to study at the university to EE.UU, in her new home know Khanum a young blind woman, is in this moment when Laila begins to questions about her person and sexuality orientation, having a lot conversation with her mom and family too.

I really think that all people should see this movie for several reasons, one of them is because showing two types of discrimination, the discrimination against people with different abilities and the LGBTTTQI+ community. Therefore, recommend this movie because it is very beautiful.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019


Hi friends!!! today I write about my favorite holidays. It is very complicate to me choose only one, but I think that the best holidays of my life (for now) was in summer 2017, my family and I choose between go to the beach or go to the south, that decision were very difficult, because we love both places. Finally we choose the south, specifically the Caburgua’s lake. We went for one week and we seen in the eyes of Caburgua, this place was the most beautiful landscape that my eyes saw, we went for cheese from the rural area, we ate a giant sopaipilla (it had delicious) and we was made a trekking for the different places.

Resultado de imagen para caburgua chile

I think it has been the best so far because these holidays were very magical, in one moment we swim in the lake and begun to the rain. Finally, I think all the people should know the Caburgua’s lake because the water of the lake is a little hot, as the volcano heats the water.