viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Margarita with a straw

Hi everyone!!!! Today I am talking about my favorite movie.  I really like watch movies, I like all types of movies, but the terror movies, controversial movies and comedy movies are the more I see, so is difficult to me choose one, but I think that my favorite movie is “Margarita with a straw”. I think that all people should see this movie, because sign the reality of many people that for the society are invisible.
The story begins with showing the life of Laila, a young woman with cerebral palsy and very talented and intelligent student. Laila life in India, but travel to study at the university to EE.UU, in her new home know Khanum a young blind woman, is in this moment when Laila begins to questions about her person and sexuality orientation, having a lot conversation with her mom and family too.

I really think that all people should see this movie for several reasons, one of them is because showing two types of discrimination, the discrimination against people with different abilities and the LGBTTTQI+ community. Therefore, recommend this movie because it is very beautiful.

2 comentarios:

  1. I had no idea about this movie. It sounds interesting so I think I'll give it a shot.

  2. I find it interesting how it involves these two important issues. I didn't know about this movie, but I will definitely see it.
