sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019


Hi, my dear friends, today with my partners deciding to talk about the food, for example the food in general or the food that don’t like it. In my case I talk about to my favorite food. Well, one year ago my favorite food was the “guatitas” I know, for much people are very disgusting, but my dad and my mom, was prepare this very delicious. They was preparing guatitas with sauce, rise and fries, but now I’m vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, therefore I don’t eat guatitas. 

Resultado de imagen para guatitas a la jardinera

Nowadays, my favorite food are the “porotos con masamorra” or “porotos” in whatever of the forms, I think these are very delicious.  

Resultado de imagen para porotos con mazamorra

On the other hand, I think that I don’t have a dislike food, I like to taste all types of food and knowing new flavors (obviously I don’t eat meat, but I eat all the rest), but I think have a one flavor that I hate so much, with my soul, the vinegar (ugh!!!), I think that is cause the flavor and smell of vinegar is very strong, so this impregnate my throat and nose, that is very disgusting , I can’t with that, but is the only liquid that dislike me. The truth is I’m love the food.

Resultado de imagen para vinagre

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